mosquitto-auth-plugin改造 在unpwd_check中获取Client_id 直接调用<mosquitto_broke...
mosquitto-auth-plugin改造 在unpwd_check中获取Client_id 直接调用<mosquitto_broke...
mosquitto-auth-plug 在/etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf文件中修改并添加一下内容 auth_plugin 插件路径 auth_opt_backends auth_opt_相关参数 参考Repo中R...
mosquitto-auth-plug 形参定义冲突 (void *userdata,const struct mosquitto_auth_opt *auth_opts, int auth_opt_count)->(void *userdata, struct mosquitto_auth_opt *auth_opts, int auth_opt_count) 将config.mk.in复制为config.mk并根据需求修改内容 编译插件、生成auth-plug...
inotiywait bash相关 read会读取输出流中的内容 可使用任意字符作为变量名,使用$对变量进行引用 ls -ltR 长输出、按时间排序、遍历目录 ls 文件路径可只显示单...
inotify-tools inotifywait Wait for a particular event on a file or set of files. Usage: inotifywait [ options ] file1 [ file2 ] [ file3 ] [ ... ] Options: -h|--help Show this help text. @<file> Exclude the specified file from being watched. --exclude <pattern> Exclude all events on files matching the extended regular expression <pattern>...