RV64IC instr:#
- [x] LUI U-type
- [x] AUIPC U-type
- [x] JAL J-type
- [x] JALR I-type
- [x] BEQ B-type
- [x] BNE B-type
- [x] BLT B-type
- [x] BGE B-type
- [x] BLTU B-type
- [x] BGEU B-type
- [x] LB I-type
- [x] LH I-type
- [x] LW I-type
- [x] LBU I-type
- [x] LHU I-type
- [x] SB S-type
- [x] SH S-type
- [x] SW S-type
- [x] ADDI I-type
- [x] SLTI I-type
- [x] SRLI I-type
- [x] SRAI I-type
- [x] ADD R-type
- [x] SUB R-type
- [x] SLL R-type
- [x] SLT R-type
- [x] SLTU R-type
- [x] XOR R-type
- [x] SRL R-type
- [x] SRA R-type
- [x] OR R-type
- [x] AND R-type
- [x] FENCE
- [x] ECALL
- [x] EBREAK
- [x] LWU I-type
- [x] LD I-type
- [x] SD S-type
- [x] SLLI I-type
- [x] SRLI I-type
- [x] SRAI I-type
- [x] ADDIW I-type
- [x] SLLIW I-type
- [x] SRLIW I-type
- [x] SRAIW I-type
- [x] ADDW R-type
- [x] SUBW R-type
- [x] SLLW R-type
- [x] SRLW R-type
- [x] SRAW R-type
RV64C:(Subset for integar only)#
- [x] C.ADDI4SPN
- [x] C.LW
- [x] C.LD
- [x] C.SW
- [x] C.SD
- [x] C.NOP
- [x] C.ADDI
- [x] C.ADDIW
- [x] C.LI
- [x] C.ADDI16SP
- [x] C.LUI
- [x] C.SPLI
- [x] C.SRAI
- [x] C.ANDI
Here we add a ‘0’ at the end to convert funct6 -> funct7!#
- [x] C.SUB
- [x] C.XOR
- [x] C.OR
- [x] C.AND
- [x] C.SUBW
- [x] C.ADDW
- [x] C.J
- [x] C.BEQZ
- [x] C.BNEZ
- [x] C.SLLI
Here we add ‘000’ at the end to convert funct6 -> funct7!#
- [x] C.MV
- [x] C.EBREAK
- [x] C.JALR
- [x] C.JR
- [x] C.ADD